+(91) 9922338823
we shall become world class labels manufacturing company with Globaly know Durva Labels
we are mnufacturing labels as per customer requirement with qaulity product for Automobile , pharmaceutical , electrical Rail way Defence sector by using new technology and timely delivery in low cost
Core Values
Following commitment Time Delivery
our All team member Technical sound. They allian with company vision
our calture in friendly work in team, we also take care of team member
we proud to say that not single person leave our company
our all team member multi skill , we have avoid person dependcy
Durva Enterprises follow all ISO rule and customer instruction .
we make quality product as per customer time farme erro free
that’s why customer love work with us
we follow ISO rule and customer instruction , which help use avoid mistakes and rejection . Our all labels test by experte quality management
we are also keep tracking records
Q.A Policy
we are commited manufactur and supply verious type of labels as per customer requirement
we shall do this by following customer instruction , ISO process method and new technology with reqular practies
client satisfaction
client satisfaction is main moto of Durval labels
we give value to our customer satifaction . We are understanding customer requirement closely and make labels as per customer satifaction
we never ignor customer small instruction hence we make error free labels
we are very much transparent with customer in each step
which help make customer relationship strong and smooth bussiness working
most of our customer get by our customer Refrenece
Infrastructure and faciliies
we have good setp and Infrastructur
we are doing this business last 10years so have good knowledge of product
we have strong supplier base and partner channel , which help to us on time delivery and critical condition
we are commited pay supplier dues timely
Durva Enterprises establish in Nashik . It is hub of Small industries and supplier . We have very good transport facility
Durva Enterprises near to Mumbai and pune , hence we get in touch with world and get new technologies
All rights reserved.